Hackaday Prize comp

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by pacav69, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

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    Hackaday is calling for the curious, the creative, the determined. The Hackaday Prize is for creating for social change in order to transform the world. Using your hardware and programming knowledge on top of your scientific, design, and mechanical abilities, you will innovate to make an impact in peoples' lives.

    It's time to leverage your talent and find solutions to address a problem facing humanity today. With a new technical design challenge every 6 weeks, you are expanding the frontiers of knowledge and engineering.

    Design an impactful project that suits you, or collaborate with a team to do it. With our global collaboration platform, your project can be moving forward at all hours of the day. Create things like reliable utensils for the disabled, a way for denizens to find clean drinking water in rural villages, refreshable braille displays for image text and a smart home to build a sustainable community. Or go beyond that and create something that has never been seen before.

    Are you ready to build something that matters? Start your entry

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