Windows 10 password expires

Discussion in 'Misc Discussion' started by Glenn, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

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    Microsoft and other have mentioned how Windows 10 changed how you set the passwords you use to not expire and how by default they are NOT set to ever expire, except that they are (or our Last10 tweaks are changing it to be (which I doubt)), anyway I found a solution, but I don't think you can set a new user to have it applied, meaning you have to manually have this script ran as Administrator for it to be fixed:
    @echo off
    wmic path Win32_UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False
    wmic UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False
    You can set this via the AutoUnattend.xml as well, but it will still only be applied to the default accounts already created (any any auto ones you do in AutoUnattend.xml) meaning if you then change it to a Online Microsoft Account it will no longer be applied.

    The whole thing is stupid and I found this out first hand when I tried to RDP into my local Plex Server PC and it said my password needed to be changed (which can only be done locally, meaning it never logged in remotely - making it impossible without me setting up a screen/keyboard and mouse to fix it, I used only the above script and it worked).
    chevy350 and The Freezer like this.
  2. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

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    I never agreed with such policies myself. Every month (or whatever the expiration gets set to), I'd get users who've forgotten what they set the new one to.

    Microsoft probably won't set their onedrive policy to this, lol, it'd be a disaster. It already sucks I have to change my outlook password each time I signin from a different location with no option to turn that off. :what:
  3. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

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    Windows 7... Hindsight will be 20/20 in 2020... :D Enjoy it while you can.
    bphlpt and The Freezer like this.

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