For Fox Sake broken

Discussion in 'Misc Discussion' started by Glenn, May 13, 2015.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member


    I tried to run this new ppGame and it refused to start in Windows 8.1 with the error above. Not sure of a fix as I can't even find information on the error.
  2. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Huh, did you try compatibility options for the exe? Not sure, I did not test on Win8.x so I'm not sure why it would not work. It downloaded as a zip file so it doesn't have to be installed so maybe it's an issue with the game itself or something..
  3. -c0dez3ro-

    -c0dez3ro- Moderator Staff Member

    i just played and it ran good
    Glenn likes this.

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