App Repository Information

Discussion in 'LastOS News' started by Glenn, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. SSJ9KDylan

    SSJ9KDylan Guest

    If you somehow manage to buy that LastXP v15 that somebody found, please put the ISO up and make a torrent for it
  2. SSJ9KDylan

    SSJ9KDylan Guest

    I enjoy using your stuff
  3. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Just updated the Last11 Tweaks to include the pause Windows updates for up to a year in the Settings. It's at the top of ssApp.reg if anyone wants to get the keys.
    Trouba likes this.
  4. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member


    I finally found a method that sets the file associations for Irfanview as default, if you have any other apps that you want set as default, steal the IrfanviewFiletypes.exe and change the batch file to suit, include it per app, just so it'll enhance the end users experience, it really did suck having to find a .jpg, .png, .ico etc and pick "Open With" and remember to pick always on every fresh install. It seems to just use the classes names found in the registry, so nice and simple to figure out what to put.
    pacav69 and Trouba like this.
  5. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    i had this issue in that .jpg files where associated with photos and when right click on the file it would only allow selection of infraview but not allow 'select always' option it was most annoying but i found the following solution.

    reset file association for jpg
    Alternatively, open PowerShell as Administrator, run the following command:
    Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.Photos -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage
  6. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    also there is a set default browser here for setting http and https for versions win10 1709 ir later
  7. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Good point, I'll setup Chrome to steal Edge's defaults :) - New version of chrome incoming.
    pacav69 likes this.
  8. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Yes I've been dealing with this issue for a LONG time, all the fixes I put in place kept failing, so 8n the end I left photos app included even though I never wanted to. I also had to start using ssApp irfanview as the ppApp isn't showing up in the open with list until you manually browsed for it once. So I am glad I found a solution finally.
  9. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    i think that SetUserFTA could be used in some other apz that require file associations perhaps make it part of setups suite so it can be used as required.
  10. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    or could create an apz that puts it in system32 so it can be called from a bat/cmd
  11. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    The problem is that the method used may not work for all future windows updates. But we can just as easily take it back out if needed. So yes, it does need to be added to setups, but we should leave it manual from the ssApp.cmd or ppApp.cmd and not part of etc.

    As we can't guarantee that it will be on a user's system, we do need to make it part of SetupS so ssWPI and the install version knows it has it.

    That's my thoughts anyway
  12. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    could add in code ' if fileexist setuserfta.exe then do this else do that'
  13. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    As we have to know the class names to make it work we will be better off keeping it seperate, so I agree we should include it and I'll make the code check it exists and not require a path given to call it.
  14. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Freezer is a wizard, I tried adding:
    %SetUserFTA% .bmp IrfanView.bmp

    Put in all the spots where he used %Extract% to convert it from that to %Tools%\SetUserFTA.exe and various styles and it just wont do it, even when I try to debug with a message box it's like the script section isn't even called, yet his works perfect...

    In other words, I can't get it to behave, as such I'll have to leave it for someone else to implement it and in the mean time I think I'd prefer to have the exe included with the apps that we need to set filetypes for - then the apps will be backwards compatible with a 59.5kb file extra included - which is tiny (probably mostly only the icon size of the tool)


    My bad, He made $ToolsDir not include $ToolsDrive, so a simple fix, I'll test it out and share the code changes on git
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
    pacav69 likes this.
  15. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I got it working but haven't pre compiled the code to installers etc so you can add the commits faster, the trick was to add the $ToolsDrive but I also had to make it add quotes as "Program Files" has a space in the path and made it also fail.

    Let me know if all is good and I'll update the hosted versions at LastOS and re-make Irfanview with the tool excluded and the scripts updated to use the SetupS internal tool.

    This does mean someone needs to update ssXFormer to include the tool as it will fail to set Associations if you convert it to the SFX method it uses and it's not included.
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member


    Here is my compiled versions of SetupS if anyone else wants to start using it before it's verified good

    I've made the ssWPI updated with the new versions and compiled for ease of upgrading your builds (less confusion).

    If anyone finds it unstable or buggy let me know or if running the new Irfanview's fail to apply the Associations then it'll need to be looked in to, but I feel it should be a working update as it was only really 3 lines of code and updating the install building scripts (so very little can go wrong).

    *NOTE: I have left the 4.62 versions of Irfanview in the repo for those who do not want to upgrade SetupS yet. so the 4.62.1 is not a new Irfanview, just a new version of SetupS is required for it to associate the filetypes as default.
    pacav69 likes this.
  17. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    added link to SetUserFTA information in readme file,
    uploaded to github repo here and to lastos found here
    read change log on github repo for list of changes.

    we now are at version (v23.09.13.0) of setups suite
  18. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    thanks @Glenn for all your hard work
  19. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I noticed the files were not updated/uploaded for SetupS at LastOS, so I'll get them uploading from the ones I cloned from github ;) it was just a few of them on there


    All Done
  20. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    i did the github and the setups suite as indicated in the link i didn't relise that there was a difference or did you forget to do a xhift F5 to refresh the page it happened to me once.
  21. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    The /files folder only had the md5 and the changelog, it never had any 7z or exe's in it, so the page was fine, but the files were not uploaded, I uploaded them and then they worked fine.
  22. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    i corrected the formatting and syntax errors in SetupS-files.htm file and re-uploaded all the files and should have the date 15/09/2023
  23. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

  24. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    @bphlpt i just checked they are correct
    see ss attached

    Attached Files:

  25. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    here is the ftp view of the setps suite files in files directory

    Attached Files:

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