A brave new world with a new browser

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by pacav69, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member



    Browse Safer with Brave on Your Side
    At Brave, our goal is to block everything on the web that can cramp your style and compromise your privacy.
    Annoying ads are yesterday's news, and cookies stay in your jar where they belong.

    Brave blocks harmful advertising
    There's a new ad game in town. It's called "Malvertising". The latest display ad technology can install malware on your laptop without your knowledge. But not with Brave watching your back.

    Brave redirects sites to HTTPS
    We've integrated HTTPS Everywhere into every Brave browser to make sure you are always moving your bits across the safest possible pipe.

    Brave blocks Tracking Pixels and Tracking Cookies
    Do you ever get that feeling that someone is watching you when you see an ad for something you bought a few days ago? We make sure you aren't being tracked while you shop online and browse your favorite sites.
    bphlpt likes this.
  2. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member


    Chrome for iPad doesn't allow addons - like the ad blocker, but Brave for iPad has ad blocker built in, meaning browsing the internet on my iPad is responsive again, I got so frustrated by how slow it used to be that I didn't bother trying to browse on it at all and would prefer to use my PC and send the final link across facebook to open directly on the iPad, then it still took ages due to on page ads, sometimes crashed (scripts) and needed to refresh as I switched between tabs (recipes). so this is a great device app - I am happy with Chrome on the desktop still as it allows you to sync your bookmarks etc (which allows google to access this data maybe, but I really don't care about that side of it).
  3. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

  4. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    I tried it on desktop and it seems very immature and lacks some basic stuff. I'm still on a hosts file so I wouldn't really know about any ads they may or may not show. But in reality a browser like this on PC is so far behind Firefox or Chrome it's not even funny. But maybe on iOS and Android it can be better than some others.

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