Get Installed Updates via VBS

Discussion in 'Misc Discussion' started by Ghost, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. Ghost

    Ghost Forum Crapolator

    I like it for the quickness and that is it, it will output a .html file in the same location as the .vbs .. maybe a little outdated from the time that I found it, so please do not shoot me :p

    Again, it is quick and clean and possibly can be updated or replaced.

    ' GetWMIUpdates.vbs
    ' This script returns all the updates on a computer. On Windows Vista this returns only those supplied by
    ' component based servicing.
    ' -------------------------------------------------------'
    Option Explicit
    Dim objWMIService, objItem, colItems, strComputer, item
    strComputer = "."
    Dim fso
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim fileOutput
    set fileOutput = fso.CreateTextFile("InstalledUpdates.htm",true,false)
    fileoutput.WriteLine("<!-- saved from url=(0039) -->")
    fileOutput.WriteLine("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Installed updates</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>")
    fileOutput.WriteLine("<TABLE border=""1"">")
    fileOutput.WriteLine("<tr style=""background-color:#a0a0ff;font:10pt Tahoma;font-weight:bold;"" align=""left"">")
    fileOutput.WriteLine("<TD>Caption</TD><TD>Description</TD><TD>Hotfix ID</TD><TD>KB Link</TD><TD>Installed On</TD><TD>Service Pack in effect</TD><TD>Fix comments</TD></TR>")
    'Run the query
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
        & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
        & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Dim QFEs
    Set QFEs = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_QuickFixEngineering")
    Dim strOutput
    Dim QFE
    For Each QFE in QFEs
        if QFE.HotFixID <> "File 1" then
            strOutput = "<TR style=""background-color:#e0f0f0;font:10pt Tahoma;"">"
            strOutput = strOutput + "<TD>" & QFE.Caption & "</TD>" &_
                        "<TD>" & QFE.Description & "</TD>" &_
                        "<TD>" & QFE.HotFixID & "</TD>"  &_  
                        "<TD> <a href=""" & getKBID(QFE.HotFixID) & """>" & getKBID(QFE.HotFixID) & "</a></TD>" &_      
                        "<TD>" & QFE.InstalledOn & "</TD>"  &_
                        "<TD>" & QFE.ServicePackInEffect & "</TD>"  &_
                        "<TD>" & QFE.FixComments & "</TD>"
    'TODO: The InstalledOn date on Vista is a datetime, not a string like on XP/WS2K3. To fix it we need to use something like this:
    'dim dtmInstallDate
    'Set dtmInstallDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
    'dtmInstallDate.value = QFE.InstalledOn
    'Wscript.Echo dtmInstallDate.GetVarDate
        end if
    function getKBID(HotFixID)
        ' The Hotfix ID is usually the KB number, but it can take several formats
        ' On older hotfixes it is often Q123456. Newer ones may be KB123456. Some are just 123456
        ' We will just get the right-most six bytes and if those are numeric, assume it is a hotfix number.
        Dim KBNumber
        KBNumber = right(HotFixID,6)
        if isNumeric(KBNumber) then
            getKBID = KBNumber
            getKBID = "No KB Number Found"
        end if
    end function
    Glenn and Trouba like this.

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