I can't be the only one (Jokes)

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by Glenn, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Just a few jokes I've made up over the last 18 months, thought they may be worth a laugh.

    I can't be the only one:

    Have you ever been wearing crocs with the strap pushed to the front so you can slide your feet in to them. After wearing them for a while, you go to take a random step but somehow the strap has pushed against the front of your ankle so you lift your leg up and stumble forward like your trippin' on a trip wire?

    Who else pulls their keys out of their pocket walking towards a locked door or shed and presses their car unlock button like it would unlock the door your about to enter?

    When you pull the cord to open your shorts and one of the long bits was through the loop and it takes three times longer to get them open?

    Why the hell do air fresheners either squirt from the top or out the front. There is a 50/50 chance that you'll either accidentally spray yourself in the eyes or apply it to your legs... But I guess it makes scents to many people?
    Trouba, 57331 and bphlpt like this.
  2. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    I'm afraid that some of those might either be a generation or perhaps an Aussi thing:
    1) I have never worn crocs.
    2) I still have never had any vehicle with a fob controlled unlock button.
    3) Are you talking about one of the loose ends being through one of the loops in a "bow" knot? That happens to me with my "athletic" shoes at least once a week if I'm not careful. My shorts all have buttons, snaps, or hooks.
    4) This has happened to me. Scents indeed. LOL
    Trouba, Glenn and 57331 like this.
  3. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    In this vein, I will recommend you never get an automated soap pump like we have in the kitchen... because I have been going to every sink just holding my hand up for soap and nothing happens :D
    Glenn and bphlpt like this.

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