I want to make my own OS build. Help!

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by bphlpt, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    So, you want to make a custom OS build and you're looking for help and some instructions on how to do it? Here's a slightly edited copy of a recent conversation in the shoutbox that might help get you started.


    @6100m: @Glenn Is it ok if I reuse SSWPI/some of your tweak apps like 10Tweaks.exe in my build, as long as I credit you?

    @Glenn: All LastOS tools can be used, they are open sourced, you just can't claim ownership of them ;) Well without a name change and code rewritten. I just want progress, not credit (credit is worthless ;) )

    @6100m: Alright, excellent :)


    @batman225: Hi to all.. can I ask if OK to all I'm looking how to make custom build win10 or win11, thank you

    @Ghost: www.lastos.org

    @Trouba: You got that right :D

    @Glenn: True, if someone is able to find the information that is public here and dissect anyone's releases, then they will make a good modder, anyone who can't do this... Well....

    @Trouba: @batman225: we're not trying to ignore you at all, but we don't have a manual or anything like that, but there are few things here like the Last20 Builder. However, what Glenn said is correct, it would probably be best to try to find some release/mod you like and try to analyze how it works and start making customizations to it to see what works. This is how I learned, and then you can ask specific questions for actual problems you encounter. Your question is a valiant one :) but I'm afraid it can't be answered like that. If you have a special liking for LastOS releases, then the recommendation is to either use the builder and/or analyze releases you like and start working with that. I think one of the things I started with is replacing or adding wallpapers to an existing mod. Then, adding themes. Then, apps (I learned how to make ppApps and ssApps for use with ssWPI). Then I started learning how to update Windows images (install.wim/esd). But all from existing releases and asking related questions. It is a step-by-step process and you just have to start somewhere.

    @bphlpt: @batman225, As you can tell, we want to HELP you with your tasks, NOT do them for you. That's what Trouba means by "SPECIFIC" questions. So, when you do have questions, this is the format of question that will get you the best, fastest, and most helpful answer:

    "Hey, I'm trying to do _______. I used the tool ______ and did this: ______. I expected ________, but instead I got _________. So I also tried ______, but that didn't work either. I've looked and read ____ and _____, but now I'm just confused. What am I doing wrong?"

    That lets us know something about your level of experience, and the tools you are familiar with, so we can respond in the most appropriate way that will help you the most, and not just suggest obvious solutions that you have already tried. The more EXACT you can be with what you used, what you have done, what you expected, and what happened, the better. So just saying "I tried to use ____ and it didn't work." doesn't help anybody.

    @mircea: There should be a manual... a set of instructions... a start point. I'm not a programmer. I'm not a coder. But if there are some guys that want to post information that could start to teach others about basic information. Like... if you want to mod a windows image, what skills must you have... this is for chapter 1. In chapter 2 a new modder must learn or to do this or that.... But it seams pointless.

    @bphlpt: @mircea, you are right that if you've never done it before that it can seem overwhelming, which is true for any task you've never done before. Which is why Trouba suggested starting small. Find a build done by someone else that you like and try to modify small things in it like wallpaper, then try doing bigger things. Yes a manual would be helpful, but methods have changed as have tools, and the OS themselves, so a manual written a few years ago is no longer appropriate. Even the methods used by us here have changed over the years. In the days of XP and early with 7, builders were often used, OS files were modified, and lots of apps were included. Now, since any updates tend to make modifications pointless, installs are often done in audit mode, with next to no modifications, and apps are handled separately. The look and functionality of the OS are changed with tweaks, settings, and third party apps that can even be applied to a completely stock install. The two best tools from here for changing the look and functionality are SetupS and ssWPI.

    @mircea: Yes, SetupS and ssWPI... which were very hard for me to understand for a very long time.... Only patience from TROUBA made me understand some of the tools from here.

    @bphlpt: As far as modifying the OS itself more drastically, with Win 10 and 11 that usually means removing things. So other than working in audit mode, the other two main tools I might recommend are NTlite and MSMG Toolkit. All of those methods require practice. Hence my, and Trouba's, suggestion to TRY SOMETHING, more than once, then we will will try to help you with specific problems, or direct you to someone else who can. Another thing to keep in mind is that the more you practice, the more experience you have, the better you will understand our explanations. Good luck with your builds!

    @mircea: Thanks for the technical information.

    @bphlpt: And after your build, don't forget the great selection of apps available here, thanks mainly to Trouba and Glenn.

    @Glenn: I'll make it even simpler, "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day", "Teach a man to fish he'll eat for a life time", "Find out how to fish on your own using other's examples, you'll rule the world"
    6100m, Glenn and mircea like this.

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