LastOS AIO questions

Discussion in 'LastOS News' started by Glenn, Sep 21, 2023.


Should I include Java in the sysprep images (preinstalled)

Poll closed Sep 26, 2023.
  1. Yes (I always install it)

  2. No (I rarely install Java)

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I am working on the new AIO (win 10 x86 x64, pro, LTSC and Win 11), I always install Java myself but want to know if I should leave it in every image as it will duplicate and increase the size. So far without LTSC I am at about 17.2GB with Java, so it will still all fit on a 32gb stick, but I am wanting to make it convenient and if we are more than likely having to install Java Post install every time, it made sense to include it.

    What say you?
  2. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    If you do include it, you could delete the .msi's in Windows\Installer (they are around 55+mb in size). I just checked and they're not required for uninstall. That would save 115+mb per image.
    Glenn likes this.
  3. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    On the one hand, yes, I also always install it. On the other, rather than include all of the common apps in each image, would it make more sense to have those apps on the drive "external" to the ISOs and have them installed post install? It would make install time a little longer, but you would save space, gain flexibility, and it would make things easier when either those apps or the ISOs need to be updated, wouldn't it? You guys are the experts as to creating install images, so I will most happily defer to your knowledge and experience.
  4. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    As trouba has a way to shrink it, it's not as big of a decision. I am no longer worried about keeping things tiny, there are people dedicated to doing those OS's. But I am also not a monster, I was not wanting bloat either.

    Anyway, for my use case I need to include it as I am often doing an install of a laptop while the customer watches and waits, so I have included all the apps I always install. As I don't version chase I am happy to let the auto updates update and users can manually update the others if they ever need.

    The best method would have been keep everything in ssWPI as an option, but It is so much quicker installing from a .wim and .ESD, so speed and completeness will win for me.


    Deleting the Windows\Installer\ msi files does actually stop you from uninstalling it, as it did for Chrome and Edge, so I might have to leave them in so the end user can tidy up their installs.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
  5. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    depends on the apps the user needs or wants to install as most of the apps i use rely on Visual C++.
    Java is versitile in that it can run on most computer OSs allowing the app developer to program for an array of computer systems with little or no changes to code.
  6. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Did you test it for the Java installers? I tested it earlier, you can uninstall the Javas after you delete the 2 55+mb msi's. They have arbitrary names so you'd have to spot them by size and hovering over them, they'll show as Oracle.
  7. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I deleted them and then went to myuninstall and it asked for the MSI file. So not sure how you deleted them and you got it to uninstall. But I would hate to release a mod where it refused to update because the old version is stuck on there.
  8. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    could try java's uninstall tool here if the msi is not there.
    i have seen software where it is installed with "TrustedInstaller" user and that is the only way to uninstall the sodtware.
  9. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    As ssWPI is so easy and many apps/games request to install java if it is not installed, I am not going to install Java in the images, the size increase isn't worth the time saved.

    I have just build a AIO with Win 10 x86 and x64 and Win 11. I'll capture and compress them and see if I have the space left to build a Win 10 LTSC to include also, will share results as I figure them out.

    Chrome now has a heap of extras included too, Chrome.7z (300mb) random msi in installer folder 100mb, 2nd copy in the google updates folder. As such I will be removing chrome from the image and adding it to the ssWPI preset again,

    Edge also adds some bits and pieces, but as it's an important part of the OS, I will not be removing this one.
    pacav69 likes this.

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