Tip to Customize the Windows 8.1 Start Screen

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by bphlpt, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    This seems to be a neat tip for those that want to customize the Windows 8.1 Start Screen.
  2. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Win8.1 won't let you customize the colors of the tiles anymore. The default (and only) behavior in 8.1 is that it colors the tiles according to central and/or predominant colors found inside the actual program icons. As I noted before this makes the Start and Apps screens pretty much unusable because it throws off your ability to differentiate between program icons (not to mention it is ugly).

    There's a guy who is working on an app that can fix this and I signed up to be a beta tester for it, so if that takes off I will post something about it here. He said if he ends up not making the app he will release the code so people can use it so I think this should be fruitful. There is, by the way, a way to circumvent this per app but it entails including a manifest file with each app, which of course would be crazy to do.

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