Toying with the idea of a re-write of SetupS and/or ssWPI

Discussion in 'LastOS News' started by Glenn, Apr 19, 2023.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I have been considering restarting the projects in VS and was after any thoughts on the matter.

    I am of the opinion that Windows XP, Vista ,7 and 8 have been abandoned by Microsoft and The focus is on Windows 10, 11 and beyond.

    As the existing SetupS and ssWPI tools still work in these OS's (quite well), I don't think that I need to use the older Dot.NET versions to support these and can instead focus on working with the newer tools and methods without considering them, as Dot.NET 4.0 was the last supported by WindowsXP, < 4.8 was the last supported by Windows 7 and I am thinking of using Dot.NET 6.0 to see what it offers, but the LivePE only works with Dot.NET 4.5, meaning I'd have to use the older tools within the PE too, which I feel is OK as I don't intend to break backwards compatibility, just building new tools that you can choose to use or not use. I have worked around the limitations of Both AutoIt and Xojo for long enough, but I also don't want to start a new project with older compilers as I want to make a new version of all the tools to make it keep working into the future. I also don't want to rewrite the older tools with the new features I am wanting as it has been to long since I worked on the core level designs of them and it takes ages to find the things I need to update and I am never sure if the changes will break other things.

    In other words, what Dot.NET and VS version would anyone here recommend. I do not want to use anything too old as the lack of signed security for accessing a simple URL from within my program is one of the examples of why VS 2012 isn't a good choice. yes I found a work around that allowed it to work anyway, but it's always reliant on someone somewhere not closing a loop hole for it to continue to function.

    Thanks for any feedback on this, if I can't figure out the best option, I guess I'll just keep using what we have and make do.

    Windows 10 comes with Dot.NET 4.6 installed by default and Windows 11 comes with 4.8. So maybe I should aim for 4.6 so no pre-requisites are needed to start the installer? It's too hard to decide :p
  2. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I am thinking to go with Dot.NET 4.5 using VS2019 as it will allow me to execute ssWPI on a fresh vanilla Windows 10 installation, meaning that you wont have to install a newer Dot.NET before you run the installer. it makes the most sense to me so far.
    Trouba likes this.
  3. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Some Ideas so far:

    Offer launcher and installer in one. No need to switch between modes, allow disabling listing installed or not installed items.

    Main DataBase will be able to compare at loading and of newly added Library locations. Will hide all duplicates by default, installed items will have an identifier to show they are installed and can be ran.

    Animated resources (with scale, transparency/fade control) make UI's like EmulationStation.

    Execution count

    ROM/Emulation support

    Import EmulationStation Libraries

    Local Player Count.
    Multiplayer supported.

    Sort by: size, free/paid/open. Year, Text search (including Title/Publisher)

    Sort multiple categories with and or or

    Include in results: Apps, Games or All. Local items or repository items (Available or unavailable, can still show meta data for missing items).

    Downloadable repositories again.

    Set download parent path, will auto sort to appropriate sub folders on type.

    Tags: Include
    Player count

    Clickable media and slideshow on/off. Pause Video.

    Resumable installation (if crashed or rebooted).

    Coloured items so you know the type.

    Background music... Stops when playing games or media with sound and then resumes. Mini Player to stop it and change volume/song.

    Show non ssWPI games found in start menu Games folders.

    * Find a way to link to UWP/UAP games

    Edit mode:
    Drop box for new media
    Scrape data from steam pages (write a parser that can be updated or add own sources (steam/GOG)).
    Hotkeys for capturing screenshots/clips of current running games/apps and include in your Meta Data.


    I just tested a compiled Dot.NET 4.5 in the LivePE, I was right, it doesn't support it. so I'll just either use the old ssWPI to pick the apps and the new one can install them, or I'll just drop support for picking apps from the PE (which very few people seem to do anyway).
  4. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    that app that you wrote for downloading apz v4.5 works fine on win11 perhaps adapt that for ppGames etc or create one that can have a selection of URLs to choose the source of files. It is not that important to have animation or extensive details to install a ppgame sometimes the title is enough. Perhaps have the details and animation on the forums where users can give tips or recommendations, reviews or a rating. The ppgames are already on the website and already to downlead lets use that system.

    Just one suggestion for the app downloader is to have more contrasting coloured lines like white characters on blue background.


    ref here
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
  5. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    another artile on UX here
  6. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Like you said, the tools already work... this is for a re-imagining of the Installer/Launcher and Emulation Station all in one application (much like ssWPI is already) but designed around having all these features, instead of them being tacked on and having to switch modes to do what you want. I mean we already have the Meta Data for our items included in each item, so they can be used anywhere. As for the Downloader, I have no intention of touching that again. I merely made NEF's work... work again and added Kay's request for sorting the items.

    I just think I'd like to offer an option closer to Emulation Station and Steam, all mixed into one solution, supporting ssTek.
    pacav69 likes this.
  7. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    Yes i understand what you mean an all singing all dancing app that does everything but make you dinner :)
    The game launcher is great the way that it stands but there needs to be a database of some kind that has a list of ppgames that is stored somewhere either on the website or locally that could be updated at a later time. This list could allow the user to view a preview of the game with an option to download. This could be the button that starts the game and the logic would be "if game is not installed then prompt do you wish to download it y/n".

    I haven't seen the Emulation Station so i can't comment on that.
  8. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Here is it in action, I use both the Playstation theme and comix Strip, but there is HEAPS of new themes made by lots of people, I would love to just support their themes, but I doubt I have the ability to code all the features theirs has.
  9. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    well the emulation station is open source so why not use it as a basis for the one that you want to develop.
    or use parts of it like the metadata scraper to collect or the images and data.
  10. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    or perhaps contribute to this one here

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