What Is Koding?

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by pacav69, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

    What Is Koding?
    Koding is a robust and feature rich cloud-based development environment complete with free virtual machines (VMs), an attractive IDE and sudo level terminal access. Your ideal software development playground and everything you need to move your software development to the cloud! A Koding VM has many of the popular software packages and programming languages preinstalled so that you can focus on learning vs installing and configuring.

    You will be up and running in minutes on your own cloud-based Linux boxes where you can learn programming languages like Ruby, Go, Java, NodeJS, PHP, C, C++, Perl, Python…the list goes on! You can experiment with installing, configuring/hacking WordPress, Laravel, Django, Bootstrap and a slew of others or fire up a MySQL, Mongo, or Postgres server with the click of a button. If clicking buttons is not your thing (yes, we are that way too!) then you also have your favorite vim and emacs right there.

    Our collaboration features allow you to pair-program with your friends and colleagues by allowing you to share (in real-time) your online IDE, Terminal and white board. All Koding virtual machines come with full root access so you are not hindered in any way.

    Say goodbye to localhost!

    For more information visit their site here

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