An interesting Personality test (Shared results)

Discussion in 'Interesting/Unrelated' started by Glenn, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Trouba likes this.
  2. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Cool :) It looks like I'm quite like you in many ways but it does explain why you can code and I can't, hehe:


    The type read-out:

    It seems to be on par with a test someone I knew asked me to do like 15 years ago which yielded the same type. I thought this time around I might have answered some things differently from things learned/unlearned in the mean time, but still the same type so it seems consistent.
  3. bphlpt

    bphlpt A lowly staff member Staff Member

    Here's mine:

    Code: INFP-T
    Role: Diplomat
    Strategy: Constant Improvement

    This trait determines how we interact with our environment.
    Introverted individuals prefer solitary activities and get exhausted by social interaction. They tend to be quite sensitive to external stimulation (e.g. sound, sight or smell) in general. Read more

    This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
    Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities. Read more

    This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
    Feeling individuals are sensitive and emotionally expressive. They are more empathic and less competitive than Thinking types, and focus on social harmony and cooperation. Read more

    This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
    Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and spotting opportunities. They tend to be flexible, relaxed nonconformists who prefer keeping their options open. Read more

    This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
    Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They are likely to experience a wide range of emotions and to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve. Read more
    Trouba likes this.
  4. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Hehe, that makes sense to me, BP. I saw likeness in myself with you as well but you seemed more diplomatic in areas where I felt it was important to assert or defend, so your prospecting level would explain that difference I felt. I used to score higher in introspective but that is one area that has changed a bit in me (out of necessity due to work) and I see it did also affect the score a bit, so these types are not entirely static and also means they can be somewhat driven by environment and learned behavior. In fact, a close family member is also our type and has that same diplomatic nature although in his case in his not wanting to de-value someone who is on the negative side of something, he fails to uplift or reward the positive side, making for some perceived false equivalency and detachment. Personally I don't believe in blind loyalty (as Trump demands) but I do think knowing someone for a long time should install some level of loyalty when that person has proven merit and the counter not resetting to "0" at every instance. (Not that you do that, just writing as I'm thinking of stuff and the family member.) But then I think that's always going to be a point of interest, how to weigh the wide view against the particular view and vice-versa, perhaps especially so among INFP-T. Myself I feel if I go too wide/abstract, I betray the particular and people, whereas if I go too particular I become myopic and lose perspective.
  5. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    The funny thing is if all of us weren't -T then we wouldn't have ever had as much motivation to complete things, even now I have some stresses of wanting to complete the build I started and compile the MGP2019 pack I have waiting, maybe I will have a calm mind again if I can finish a few of the things I want to work on, but there is so many other things I have to work on still, so yeah environment does override personality - just doesn't change the feelings and stresses caused by going against them.
    bphlpt and Trouba like this.
  6. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    So Freezer, will you share the result of the test you did with us? :D
  7. Ghost

    Ghost Administrator

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  8. 00Proteus00

    00Proteus00 Active Member

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  9. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Assertive... explains how you deal with TeamOS and I can't ;)
    00Proteus00 likes this.
  10. 00Proteus00

    00Proteus00 Active Member

    Theres a lot I like about the site, and a few things I dont, but allowing me to express my creative side I do like. Im not crazy about the "god" attitude some of the people have, but Im also really good at ignoring idiots :)

    I found this site by accident, and figured (judging by a lot of the posts) that I could/might be a good member here as well. Im not as brainy as most of your builders, but I can be pretty creative.
  11. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Most ideas are born of necessity the rest are discovered(created). So you need all kinds to make something exciting and new.
    00Proteus00 likes this.
  12. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Hey, I said that :D
    00Proteus00 likes this.

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