ssWPI Updates

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Glenn, May 14, 2017.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    ssWPI has been re-packaged Here:

    The actual package is twice as large using the new Xojo, but I think it's time to upgrade to it as it seems like it's not going to ever be as small as the v16 one, but ssWPI will run better on Mac and Linux using the new methods
    ssWPI v22.06.29.0:
    ADD: Hold Control on boot to erase Registry keys, fixes glitch where items aren't shown or window doesn't open
    UPDATE: 7Zip in tools
    ssWPI v21.10.21.1:
    CLEAN: Removed Themes and Emulation files (Revert to 20.04 for these files)
    ADD: -11 command line for locking to windows 11 detection
    ADD: Windows 11 now detected and available in presets
    ADD: -NoError command line to skip showing error on first run -install (when nothng selected in LivePE)
    ssWPI v17.09.21.0:
    FIX: CPU usage was getting high just sitting on main GUI, I changed it so only user interaction would cause any redraws to occur, 0% CPU now.
    FIX: Top border on Description was erased by screenshot
    ADD: AllowDescriptionSelection=Yes This does what it says
    ADD: Right Clicking Description Selection will copy it to clipboard
    ADD: Support for adding Icons to Emulator MetaData (even using built in Editor)
    FIX: Edit Mode - Holding Alt while pressing Screenshot or Icon will repair corrupted Clipboard data (This bug has existed since I added the Edit ability and I finally found a work arround).
    CHANGE: I Enabled GDI plus to fix the above problem (ssWPI has now dropped support for pre XP OS's)
    ssWPI v17.09.17.0:
    ADD: Updated StartWait.exe If Parameters passed to UAC requested execution it will now fallback as it would have failed anyway (attempts to run as non UAC method)
    FIX: After running a game in laucher mode it would not redraw the listboxes
    FIX: After running game in launcher mode it wasn't focusing back to the games list (you would have to click it manually to pick next game)
    ssWPI v17.09.15.0:
    FIX: Picking Category using Keyboard would not show Category Screenshot or Description
    FIX: Black Bar shown when resizing
    FIX: Flickering Listboxes
    FIX: Code tidy, removing debugging and testing code sections.
    FIX: Arrow keys on Category caused flickering by loading screenshot twice (moved to populatelist at end of sub).
    FIX: Spelling of Catagory to Category in Mario Theme
    ssWPI v17.09.14.0:
    FIX: Don't add Blank items to Category or List
    ADD: USB Joystick Support
    ADD: Themes\{ThemeName}\Categories\{Category}.txt (to set description text, for Emulator Info/Keys etc).
    ssWPI v17.09.5.0:
    ADD: Open in Notepad from file menu/hotkey (if not a .apz or .pgz)
    FIX: Using keys to pick Category wouldn't update Items list.
    ssWPI v17.09.4.0:
    REM: Removed Themes from SourceCode releases to save bandwidth usage.
    FIX: List not redrawn when exiting from ssEditor etc (Fully forced form scale after form shown now)
    FIX: List not redrawn if exiting a game in XOJO 2014 (now forced with code as above)
    FIX: convert https to http for getting screenshots and icons
    ADD: Can now press Start on Item to Start a game
    ADD: Icon fixed for ppGames folder
    FIX: Revert to XOJO 2014 for compatibility with NT5
    ssWPI v17.08.25.1:
    FIX: Added Quotes to all Google Searches
    ADD: Hold Ctrl to search google for Screenshot of Item title
    ADD: Hold Alt to search google for Transparent Icon of Item title (Can hold Ctrl and Alt)
    ADD: File/Generate ppGame.ppg's, this will allow you to pick a folder to create a ppGame.ppg in each subfolder editing the below template and searches for the first .exe that doesn't have "uninst" in the file path
    ADD: \Tools\ppGame.ppg.template:
    Title={Game Name Here}
    App-File Version=v9.
    App-File Style=2 (INI)
    StartMenuSourcePath={Game Name Here}
    [{Game Name Here}.lnk]
    ssWPI v17.08.17.4:
    FIX: Hide "!! Games Launcher" from Launcher Mode so that it can be the first item in pack
    FIX: Tags List on Scaled Themes was drawn off screen
    ADD: CheckOn.png, CheckOff.png to be Themeable Checkboxes
    ADD: WallpaperOverlay.png support (for semi opaque overlays)
    ADD: SetItemAsWallpaper=True (Layout.ini) For showing items screenshot as wallpaper
    ssWPI v17.08.17.0:
    ADD: Transparent Categories and Items list boxes (FINALLY, took me near 8 hours today + years of attempts)
    ADD: TransparentScroll,TransparentCatScroll To Layout.ini to set Scroll Bar widths
    ADD: ListTransparent=Yes|No to Style.ini to allow solid colours to be used still (Default's to Yes now)
    ssWPI v17.08.15.0:
    FIX: Shortcut Buffer was 128, changed to 4096 (For when your using a Windows 10 OS it lumps all shortcuts in together)
    FIX: Get correct Extracted Sizes in 7Zip v16 and above.
    ADD: LauncherMethodInverted=True (Allows UAC to be requested if needed)
    ADD: Get Install Sizes For All Items (Items Menu)
    ssWPI v17.05.30.0:
    ADD: RefreshExplorerOnComplete=Yes, Requires Tools\SystemIconRefresh.exe being included
    ssWPI v17.05.15.0:
    FIX: RunLauncherAsAdmin=No failed after Emulator integration.
    UPDATE: Additional Tools
    UPDATE: Xojo Compiler
    UPDATE: SetupS
    ssWPI v16.08.18.0:
    Add Category Screenshot/icons in Theme\{Theme}\Categories\{Category} .jpg is screenshot .png is icon
    ADD: Emulator Support
    FIX: Allow Quit from File Menu (I had never added this).
    FIX: QHD Resolutions now supported.
    UPDATE: SetupS
    How to use Emulator Mode:
    All you need to do to add a new ROM is copy it into the .\ROMs section and when you run ssWPI it will list the rom and generate the Metadata placeholder for you, populate any data and it will be available to ssWPI instantly.
    Atari.cmd: (Example also shows how to allow spaced ROM names)
    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set str=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    for /l %%a in (1,1,31) do if "!str:~-1!"==" " set str=!str:~0,-1!
    %~DP0Atari\StellaX\Stella.exe -fullscreen 1 -center 1 "%str%"
    .\ROMs\{Platform}\.bin .zip .adf .n64 etc...
    Place your roms directly in the above folder depending on platform subfolder and when you run ssWPI it will create the empty MetaData folder/files for you to populate.
    AtariBarnstorming.ini: (Example)
    Description=The player must pilot a biplane through a series of barns in the shortest time possible while dodging windmills, weather vanes, and geese. Bumping into anything slows down the plane for a couple of seconds, increasing the overall time.
    {Platform}(Title}.jpg: Screenshot
    ssWPI v15.11.30.0:
    FIX: Removed help to allow ssWPI to work in Win 10 LivePE.
    UPDATE: SetupS
    ssWPI v15.09.10.0:
    FIX: Correctly detect Windows 10
    ADD: -LoadDefaultPreset so you can call it up at the end of installation (REG ADD \RunOnce + SetupComplete.cmd or via PostLogonApps or a shortcut on the desktop) with your prefered selection (Preset).
    ADD: Support for (OS=4 (Win 10)) in .app files
    ssWPI v14.11.9.0:
    ADD: "-" to ppApp & ppGame drive selection on options (to remove any set drive letters).
    ADD: Detect drives that have \ppApps or \ppGames folders and set them as the default output if no ppAppDrive.ini or ppGameDrive.ini are found on current system.
    FIX: More Crash Protection added for Read Only file Access on UAC enabled OS's.
    FIX: Save Current List now includes Arch in it's saved Titles
    ssWPI v14.11.1.0:
    ADD: -10 command line for locking to windows 10 detection
    ADD: Windows 10 now detected and available in presets
    ssWPI v13.12.17.0:
    * Please Report any problems with this version in LivePE's or any OS's you can to make sure not bugs were created from the change over.
    CHANGE: Compiled with Xojo instead of RealStudio.
    REMOVE: Mask Fix for clipboard images used in edit mode.
    ssWPI v13.11.29.0:
    ADD: Allow setting Keep advanced Menu from LivePE and apply post install. (Requires updated ssWPIMon in LivePE)
    ADD: "Keep advanced Startmenu folders" to ssWPI Options, Reads value from ssConfig.ini on startup.
    ADD: DisableTips= To Options, this allows you to skip any dialogs that do not ask questions.
    ADD: Missing Shortcuts Category added to Launcher mode's editor (for finding broken/missing ppGames/Apps shortcuts)
    ADD: Debug Log Button added to Debug Screen, Allows saving extraction issues to the desktop for reviewing bad .apz .pgz files.
    FIX: Hide Tags header when in edit mode as it makes the Category Combo glitchy.
    ssWPI v13.11.05.0:
    FIX: Picking an item that didn't have a URL would cause the Tags field's graphics to be corrupted (looked like it was bold).
    FIX: Wasn't installing any items that had an & in the file name (ReplaceAll(InItem,"&", "*") in InstallItem).
    FIX: -NewSetup would crash due to showing the Main GUI before it had loaded the theme.
    FIX: When -NewSetup Crash occured it would place nil (0,0,0,0) into the registry and crash ssWPI, I added a Fallback when this occurs.
    ADD: Copy Selection To Folder (in File Menu)
    ssWPI v13.10.27.1:
    REMOVE: Language Field from being displayed.
    CHANGE: License is now a Screenshot Overlay (Field Removed).
    CHANGE: Publisher moved to single column meta fields.
    ADD: RunLauncherAsAdmin=Yes To Options.ini
    CHANGE: Reduced ssWPI.exe to smaller size instead of 10.5mb by building the default graphics at runtime instead of storing as all bitmap images, also included default Corner License GFX which increased it another 2.4mb.
    CHANGE: Show Splash before Asking for Admin access.
    CHANGE: Only uses Top and Height positions for Headers + Stats, aligns them centered to the listboxes you provide, this makes it re-draw faster/cleaner.
    CHANGE: Optimized Redrawing and Scaling routines to reduce delay and flicker.
    ADD: SetHeightFields=11 To Layout.ini, allows closer layout.
    CHANGE: Fields without Data are now Hidden.
    CHANGE: Ordered Fields differently so if URL is empty the tags field will use the full width instead.
    CHANGE: Minimum Width lowered to show Item icon with smaller form, due to single column meta data needing less space.
    FIX: Non-Scaled Themes would not fill available space
    FIX: Non-Scaled Themes would crash if you shrink the right side with separator too much.
    FIX: Tags Field was not shrinking when Category + URL is shown.
    FIX: If Set StartupCategory from ssWPI_Options.ini isn't found it now reverts to "All" instead of showing 0/0 items and the All category being highlighted but not picked.
    ssWPI v13.10.21.1:
    FIX: Hide Separators in scale theme mode.
    ADD: Allow Semi Scaled Themes, via Layout.ini.
    ADD: Hide Tags to Options and .ini file.
    FIX: Crash when pressing Space on nil item.
    FIX: Text Colours in Linux OS's.
    CHANGE: Non Transparent List Gaps are now from the top of the Category List box to the bottom of the Items List box only.
    FIX: Added more protections against crashes.
    FIX: Pressing F12 to hide/show menu would crash on first run with the new scalable themes.
    ADD: Started Logging Errors to temp path within Code/Execution (optional at compile).
    ADD: iTheme back again.
    ADD: Border Customization to ListBoxes and Description Field.
    ADD: Store last used item and go back to it when you re-run Launcher mode (If it exists in the new list).
    ADD: SetLowerRight To new Layout.ini for moving Start Icon and Fields position.
    FIX: Themes without SetLowerRight will revert to using the Tag Combo Box and Screenshot Far right as it's position.
    ADD: SetHeadersOff=True To Layout.ini.
    ADD: FieldDescription=1064,724,1850,1100 to Layout.ini. It only uses the Left,Top and Width as the Height is dynamic to the Meta Data Fields.
    ADD: More Themes.
    FIX: DB Data corrupted crash on startup.
    ssWPI v13.8.22.0:
    ADD: Ignore Installed Sizes, so you not constantly asked to update it.
    CHANGE: Empty tag text when adding to tag list
    CHANGE: Jump back to tag text when using the Plus Tag button.
    FIX: Keeps current Category filter when changing Editing items Category.
    FIX: Wrong Categories selected when entering or exiting Edit Mode.
    ADD: Use Local 7z.exe if not included in tools path.
    FIX: Added quotes around 7z path to allow spaces.
    ADD: Fallback to not use StartWait.exe if not found.
    ADD: Update All Items - To update all ini files to new style INI Format.
    ADD: Set License For All Items - To Update their License (also gets folder/file sizes, but only if required).
    FIX: Use of & in Folder names would break opening/updating them in ssEditor (replaces & with * and SetupS puts them back again).
    ssWPI v13.7.5.0:
    ADD: Pause now changes to Continue - when pressed on Mini Installer
    ssWPI v13.6.30.0:
    ADD: Use Local DB to Options Screen
    ssWPI v13.6.19.0:
    CHANGE: Category changed to Categories.
    CHANGE: * Categories * + * Edit Items * displayed when in edit mode.
    FIX: Some files were being left open after being read, this locked them from being accessible by other tools.
    UPDATE: x2ico
    ssWPI v13.6.6.1:
    ADD: It will now Apply a Menu Sorting if you manually pick one from the LivePE or the running OS and do not select any apps to install.
    CHANGE: -NewSetup will Always be on top now, so Windows Setup will not hide it in LivePE.
    ssWPI v13.5.6.1:
    ADD: Store last used Repository URL in the Registry for Generating Download or Share URL's
    ADD: Generate URL Shares - Styled text for posting items on a forum.
    ADD: Autobuild (With ssEditor) to desktop in ssWPI Launcher mode, so you can easily upload a ppGame you have installed/updated/edited with ssWPI/ssEditor without it deleting the installed version off your PC.
    CHANGE: It will now copy the Generated URLs/Shares to the clipboard regardless of if you save it to a file or not (just close save dialog to have it in your clipboard only).
    UPDATE: Included new SetupS Version
    ssWPI v13.5.3.8:
    FIX: Hide Advanced Features - Could still press F4 to show missing Categories (even tho edit mode would be impossible.
    FIX: Hide Advanced Features - Could still press F7 to restart in Installer/Launcher mode (even tho locked down).
    FIX: If Theme.ini was not found, it wouldn't make a new one, so would revert back to Default every time.
    FIX: If Missing ssWPI_Options.ini then Spash would be off default.
    ssWPI v13.5.3.7:
    ADD: Holding Control Or Shift when you right click a field will paste from the clipboard, it will also poste if the field is empty. If you hold Shift it will replace it, if you hold control it will append it. You will have to manually put a | before appending to Tags or Categories still.
    FIX: It was sometimes losing the previously selected Categories when switching modes only when ssWPI first starts up.
    FIX: Wasn't re-highlighting previous Categories properly.
    ADD: Saves Show Debug 7z when editing/updating items option. I found the problem has all but gone away, Search Everything or my AV or something was trying to update or scan the active files and this was also causing 7z to leave a .tmp version of the app in the apps path, and didn't update the .7z because it was in use.
    ADD: Now checks if the file is currenty locked and asks to try again, if it fails then it will backup the .app .ppg to the ssWPI's Desktop Recover folder.
    FIX: Wouldn't filter out Arch or License while in edit mode.
    CHANGE: Trims excess spaces from field text before saving, then updates the items data before saving to LocalDB.
    ssWPI v13.5.3.6:
    ADD: Saving an Edit will now Report what 7Zip did and if it was succesfully or not.
    FIX: Turns out Realstudio had implements A 2 Second time out on Mode 0 Shells, the only main timer I was using Mode 0 on was the Update timer, so users couldn't continue using ssWPI while it was doing it, but after 2 seconds it would just Force quit 7z and break the archives. I changed to Mode 1 now and this should fix any problems from occuring again.
    FIX: Changed all shell's to Mode 1 and added While Wend loops to monitor them instead of using Mode 0 Shells that time out after 2 seconds whenever they feel like it.
    ssWPI v13.5.1.5:
    JOB: Cleaned up Project in IDE
    ADD: Stays on Active Control/Field when using Page Up and Page Down to Change to Prev/Next Item, for rapid changing of data.
    ADD: Edit Mode/Items List/Context Menu: - Copy Item To Clipboard, Add Data From Clipboard - This allows you to copy an items data and paste it into another items data, only adds if new items Field is Empty, else it keeps it's current data, handy for cloning Tags/Publishers/URL etc into an item your working on if released by the same group/publisher, then you just remove the obsolete data before saving the changes to the new item. The Clipboard is persistent until you close ssWPI and doesn't affect the real Windows Clipboard.
    ADD: You can use c,p to set Commercial text (just press enter after typing it on License field), n,f for Non Commercial, o for open-source, just a quicker way to get the data in.
    FIX: *major fix* It was deleting the and ppGame.ppg if you clicked on a new item before it had finished updating the apz/pgz.
    ADD: Protection against 7z updating of .app .ppg failing, if it can not be found inside the produced .apz .pgz, then it will clone it to your desktop in \Recover_ssWPI\{APZ/PGZ Name}\ etc.
    FIX: It was filtering out items of different types with the same title (eg ssApp and ppApp version of GIMP it would keep the ssApp only)
    CHANGE: I made 7z use the .apz .pgz folder when updating, instead of using ssWPI's, this speeds it up as it doesn't have to cache across 2 drives/partitions if it's on a different one to where ssWPI is.
    ssWPI v13.5.1.4:
    CHANGE: Supports using &h or # hex colors in Style.ini for themes
    UPDATE: Category.ini with the work I did this morning
    ssWPI v13.5.1.3:
    ADD: Saves Tags and restores them when switching between edit mode.
    ADD: Filters by Tags while in Edit Mode now.
    FIX: Optimized Populating List Items when Filtering with Tags, 4 Times Quicker
    JOB: Joined Single and Multi Category mode into a single Filter/loop.
    ADD: Silent Update Item Changes, this is a power users option, so it is not saved and is only available to enable while in Edit mode, Disabled when Advanced Features are off.
    FIX: Enabled Error protection on Get All Locations
    ssWPI v13.5.1.1:
    FIX: Restarting ssWPI at all would cause it no to draw the list.
    ADD: Method to hide/show Non Tagged items when filtering list by tags.
    CHANGE: Cursor now changes to Text I Beam when over fields in Edit Mode.
    FIX: URL Help Tag Text was staying set in Edit Mode.
    FIX: Asking to save changes if you tick/untick the item your editing while in Edit Mode.
    ADD: New ssWPI_Options.ini value: HideNoTagItemsIfFiltered=Yes
    FIX: Made DB Quality test silent for InstallOnly mode, so doesn't stop auto install (just forces folder to be re-scanned silently).
    CHANGE: Now starts up with all saved Categories you listed on Settings save (one or more)
    JOB: Cleaned Out Code, Removed Unused Variables.
    FIX: Wasn't updating compressed .app .ppg files, due to same date/time: added -uw2x2y2z2 as shown in
    FIX: Optimized Drawing List Items (over 5 times quicker now).
    ADD: Tells you which Extra Locations it's loading from (on Splash screen).
    FIX: Wasn't hiding Parent Items when loading from DB.
    CHANGE: Launcher Mode - Now removes {#1} etc from Shortcut Names.
    CHANGE: Launcher Mode - Sets Shortcut Flags for Is_x86 & Is_x64 and updates the title to include arch & filters them accordingly
    ADD: Removes ssWPI_Launcher_DB.ini from set ppGames if you are installing new ppGames (so it will rescan for items when you run the Launcher or switch to Launcher Mode again)
    FIX: Changing Theme wouldn't style the Description if item was Default one.
    CHANGE: Cleaned layout of Options screen.
    ADD: RescanOutDatedDBs= & HideMissingINIItems=, both of these may slow loading ssWPI from CD or USB 1.1 speed drives, if you set Rescan then it will make a shiny new DB file (if LocalDB's is enabled) or if you have HideMissingINIItems enabled it will only hide the missing items instead.
    FIX: Couldn't Erase License by deleting it
    FIX: Would jump back to updating item if using the arrow keys or pageup/down to move off item when it needed updating
    ADD: Detect @ in Compressed INI files and ask to update License to Commercial if no License has been set already.
    OTHER: Various fixes I forgot to document
    ssWPI v13.4.28.6:
    FIX: - There is a bug in Priority where it was setting unspecified items to 5 instead of 005, making the order of install incorrect.
    CHANGE: - I made the default google search (When clicking on the App Title Header), to be without the Version Number, if you hold in shift it'll search with the Version number appended now.
    ADD: ppApps now work with the Launcher, Optional of cause, new Checkbox on Options screen and new Value in ssWPI_Options.ini; ScanppAppsForLauncher=Yes
    CHANGE: I also changed "ssWPI_ExtraLocations_Games.ini" to "ssWPI_ExtraLocations_Launcher.ini" so if you'll be using that file in Future releases of ssWPI, you'll need to rename it or re-add them.
    ADD: Added Extra Locations Removal from a button on the Options Screen.
    CHANGE: ssWPI_Games_DB.ini To ssWPI_Launcher_DB.ini to make it suitable for ppApp Inclusions.
    FIX: Lost index's when adding Manual Location (Now restarts ssWPI to add them)
    FIX: It was doing the Items List twice per click.
    ADD: Don't Hide Duplicate Items or Old Versions (Speeds up loading) Optional from Options screen; HideDuplicateAndOldVersionItems=Yes
    ADD: Stats (counters) are now Optional to show and hide in both modes.
    ADD: Stats will show appropriate mouse hover popup in Launcher Mode now.
    ADD: Requests to Restart ssWPI when changing Options that require one.
    ADD: ChangeLog.txt To Development folder.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
    Auba22, cisco007, 00Proteus00 and 2 others like this.
  2. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I had a thought, we could make the Games Launcher and installer use each games wallpaper as the background as you scroll through, All you need to do is apply a 45% opacity (or customize) black layer over the top of the screenshot and or Add support for Wallpaper.jpg.

    Any thoughts on this, or does no one here currently use ssWPI for MGP or EMUlation purposes? It would also work with apps, but most people wont be scrolling through ssWPI for an OS install wanting the Wallpaper distracting them IMO (ssWPI Wallpaper not the OS one).
  3. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    The wallpaper would be outside or inside ssWPI? Sounds like inside with the screenshot. Anyway, I still use ppGame launchers/installers. Though very infrequently because mostly I'm working on only one ppGame at a time and I just leave its startmenu folder open to test, etc.
  4. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I was thinking of maybe making ssWPI use a web frame, then generate a scrollable section that shows the title, with all the screenshots as well, instead of just one big screenshot, when I did the original ssWPI the max screen res was 1024x764, it never made sense to try and show more data, but now there is more than enough quality to change the design of ssWPI.

    It may be nearly time to re-write ssWPI to be more touch screen friendly etc, much of the backend is still ok and even I haven't been using the advanced Editing features of this ssWPI, so if I make a new one that is light weight, uses a web frame based template (so each theme can show a totally different design that any web designer/developer can theme), it may be able to use HTML5, CSS feature, meaning it could look much more modern, if you guys are up for testing and helping design/plan this, I may be able to make something.

    Over the next few weeks I plan on making a new updated AIO MGP and only after I was playing with ssWPI did I notice how much better Steam and all the other App/Game stores I have been using all are Web based and now mostly support touch interfaces.

    If you are all happy with the Legacy design of the current ssWPI then I probably wouldn't bother making a new frontend so make sure to share your thoughts please.
  5. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    Oh, you mean make it like Kel's WPI? :p

  6. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    LOL, no way, just a scroll-able section, I am pretty sure Xojo has something:

    If it's slow, big or buggy I will give up on it, I just thought we could make use of showing All the included images and info, not just the single Screenshot.
  7. pacav69

    pacav69 Live long and prosper Staff Member

  8. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    New Mario ssWPI Theme

    Games Launcher and ssWPI updated with a few more fixes:
    ssWPI v17.08.15.0:
    FIX: Shortcut Buffer was 128, changed to 4096 (For when your using a Windows 10 OS it lumps all shortcuts in together)
    ADD: LauncherMethodInverted=True (Allows UAC to be requested if needed)
    ADD: Get Install Sizes For All Items (Items Menu)
  9. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Gamers Dream Theme

    Mario Theme

    ssWPI v17.08.17.4:
    FIX: Hide "!! Games Launcher" from Launcher Mode so that it can be the first item in pack
    FIX: Tags List on Scaled Themes was drawn off screen
    ADD: CheckOn.png, CheckOff.png to be Themeable Checkboxes
    ADD: WallpaperOverlay.png support (for semi opaque overlays)
    ADD: SetItemAsWallpaper=True (Layout.ini) For showing items screenshot as wallpaper

    * Pick ItemsOnWall for an example of using the Screenshots as ssWPI's Wallpaper (It applies the WallpaperOverlay.png to it to make the fields readable).
    6100m and The Freezer like this.
  10. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    I can test on Windows XP Professional (x86 & x64), Windows 2003 Enterprise (x86), and Windows 8 Enterprise (x64). Note, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is actually a re-branded Windows 2003 x64. So I'm guessing if it works okay on Windows XP x64 it'll be the same results for Windows 2003 x86 (and vise versa).

    These are all real environments not VM's ;)
  11. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Making ssWPI do a few more things for rapid creation of ppGame:

    ssWPI v17.08.25.1:
    FIX: Added Quotes to all Google Searches
    ADD: Hold Ctrl to search google for Screenshot of Item title
    ADD: Hold Alt to search google for Transparent Icon of Item title (Can hold Ctrl and Alt)
    ADD: File/Generate ppGame.ppg's, this will allow you to pick a folder to create a ppGame.ppg in each subfolder editing the below template and searches for the first .exe that doesn't have "uninst" in the file path
    ADD: \Tools\ppGame.ppg.template:
    Title={Game Name Here}
    App-File Version=v9.
    App-File Style=2 (INI)
    StartMenuSourcePath={Game Name Here}
    [{Game Name Here}.lnk]
    I ran the job through 710 non ppGame's and it was able to generate ALL of them except 4 that had the games .exe inside a bin folder. I also am currently running the Get ALL install Sizes on the same 710 non compressed ppGames and it goes fairly fast for a 5400RPM drive.
    Trouba likes this.
  12. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    Sorry for taking so long to get back to this. Here's what I found.

    As expected, works great with Windows 8 and as Trouba observed, it is much faster. One downside, the launcher grabs ALL the shortcuts instead of just the primary -- the first shortcut from ''Shortcut Names to Keep'' or from ''Definitions''. My ppGame builds are uh, shall we say, StartMenu-rich (lots of extras included); and as a consequence the launch menu fills with a bunch of "unnecessary" shortcuts.

    But no go with any NT5 (XP, 2003) either x86 or x64:


  13. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks freezer. I will try compiling it with xojo 2014 to see if that will still do what I need but it will slow it back down. So i think XP support is more important than speed. VERY busy weekend so will be a few days at least.
    The Freezer likes this.
  14. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I quickly did it before I started my weekend, please test the new 2014 version for me Freezer (and anyone else who wants to contribute to the decision).

    I'll simply go back to using the old Xojo and we'll run a little slower to continue to support XP maybe?
  15. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    I don't know anything about Xojo, why is the older platform slower (or would be)?

    And I'm also curious about the small issue of listing/launching only the primary shortcut...?

    The ssTek site went down again, so I'm currently back at it trying to recover/rebuild the site. I'll be able to test the 2014 xojo build of ssWPI some time tomorrow (Saturday for me). :)
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    I don't check for anything. I have always shown all lnk sections due to the games that have multiple games in one.

    XOJO 2014 used to include it's resources inside the codes compiled .exe, they made them external in 2015+ releases. This sped up loading times.

    ssWPI has a .2 update

    I noticed while in Launcher mode that I was unable to run the game to capture the screenshot, so now if you run a game in Edit mode while using the launcher it will actually run the game (The installer still aborts and asks to update the Install Size instead.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  17. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Freezer if you get a chance to confirm ssWPI runs on XP 32bit will be suffice. I would like to continue coding it. But don't want to fork back to using the 2014 base if it is still failing on Xp for you.
  18. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    Yes, Games.Launcher_v17.8.26.2 works on XP/2003 (x86) including the transparency with ssWPI's background. I didn't test it yet on any NT5 x64; but I don't imagine there'll be any problems there.

    At first I was having issues with a ton of error messages about broken shortcuts -- on both .8.26.2 (NT5/6) and .8.17.4 (NT6) -- until I realized the scanning was being done from the StartMenu rather than from any .ppg file. :what:

    After running ssControlPanel's "Clean StartMenu only" both versions were running error free.

    What I'd meant about being faster was the game scanning (F5) had seemed faster -- load-time to me was negligible in comparison. Though I could not detect any difference in the scan-times between the two versions either (.8.26.2 versus .8.17.4).

    One thing I did notice on NT5 systems, the folder icon (ppGame.ico) wasn't showing in either the Startmenu or the ppGame folder in Explorer. I looked at it with IcoFX and it was just the single 256x256-32 graphic which NT5's don't recognize. Once I resaved/reformatted it into a standard Windows Icon (which, btw, can include the 256px resolution) it was showing up just fine.
  19. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks I'll fix the icon error.

    - Uploaded with the fix (that is the main change for now, I need to add the check for StartMenu Friendly) - Is that the one you meant that hides the non game's extra links? or is there other flags/section I need to check for?

    ssWPI v17.09.4.0:
    REM: Removed Themes from SourceCode releases to save bandwidth usage.
    FIX: List not redrawn when exiting from ssEditor etc (Fully forced form scale after form shown now)
    FIX: List not redrawn if exiting a game in XOJO 2014 (now forced with code as above)
    FIX: convert https to http for getting screenshots and icons
    ADD: Can now press Start on Item to Start a game
    ADD: Icon fixed for ppGames folder
    FIX: Revert to XOJO 2014 for compatibility with NT5
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  20. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    Is there no way to compile for NT5 with Xojo 2015+... maybe include those external resources in the ssWPI folder?
  21. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    The programming language is a bit rogue, it has gone through massive changes each public major release version, in 2015 they added x64 support, in 2016 they dis-embedded the resources to make compiled apps more web/linux and MacOS friendly. it also now supports IOS and Android "features" though not technically very useful for game programming as it doesn't allow very stable links to C++ compiled code (IMO).

    I just think it's a rogue language that is very useful but like AutoIt has some major compromises. I don't think I will re-write ssWPI again, if I write a new GUI it will have a new name and be written in something more standard.

    I have no reason to switch to the new version, it doesn't make ssWPI any better IMO and by it breaking NT5 support it in fact makes it much worse.

    So we'll stick with the version I trust and not bother with the "new" bugs they introduce - I have already worked around all the old ones.
  22. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    Oh, okay. I was just curious. Sounds good to me. And as you said, doesn't appear like much advantage to updating it. In fact, I couldn't detect any noticeable difference between .8.26.2 and .8.17.4

    I had the same issues with AutoIt, older platforms and CPU's were being dropped but no real new features or advantages being added. As you put it, made it worse. Plus, the gap between their stables was so great ... well, it had introduced so much code breakage making it seemingly insurmountable and not really worth the effort just to get it to the exact same thing we already had with the previous version debugged and everything but without the legacy machine support. :(
  23. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    ssWPI v17.09.5.0:
    ADD: Open in Notepad from file menu/hotkey (if not a .apz or .pgz)
    FIX: Using keys to pick Category wouldn't update Items list.
    This will do for ssWPI for a while, I am taking a break after tonight for a few weeks, finished sorting out/updating over 2000 ppGames.
  24. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    ssWPI v17.09.14.0:
    FIX: Don't add Blank items to Category or List
    ADD: USB Joystick Support
    ADD: Themes\{ThemeName}\Categories\{Category}.txt (to set description text, for Emulator Info/Keys etc).
  25. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    ssWPI v17.09.15.0:
    FIX: Picking Category using Keyboard would not show Category Screenshot or Description
    FIX: Black Bar shown when resizing
    FIX: Flickering Listboxes
    FIX: Code tidy, removing debugging and testing code sections.
    FIX: Arrow keys on Category caused flickering by loading screenshot twice (moved to populatelist at end of sub).
    FIX: Spelling of Catagory to Category in Mario Theme
    That is a short list for the many hours it took me to debug and optimize ssWPI, need a good testing if anyone has time, I still don't know if the USB Gamepad feature is working for anyone or not and the new tweaks to the Flickering stuff may break things on XP or something (who knows).

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